VN - Others - Completed - Leane of Evil Blade [v1.27] [Makura Cover Soft]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Leane of Evil Blade [v1.27]
    A full on NTR, strategy and war game, with poor optimization in all regards.

    I am aware of the fact that the game is the first of the main series, and i haven't plaed the second one as i write this review, let me be direct and excuse my poor English.

    The game has a fun story, it is mostly a book, you have a crisis and a decently big group of characters, some of them are girls, and every girl has a ''good ending'' you can try to reach, this is the classic troupe of ''every woman loves de MC'' and rightly so, the MC is an absolute genious, kind, perfect and dorky man, the catch is, the game is a NTR game, your main rival is the classic troupe of ''asshole with a big dick that moves really good in sex'', so if you like NTR you will love this setting, and if you like Vanilla techincally you will still love it since you have the option to choose a girl and keep her to yourself. the issue with the game doesn't come from it's story, the story is fine, goofy but fine, the issue comes from the gameplay.

    The game plays like any strategy game, you have settlements that must attack and conquest to expand your territory as you deffend from enemies trying the same, the units in this game are summarized into ''Generals'' and there are some small but important differences between them, when you beat an enemy unit you will imprison them, and after a while you can recruit them to your army, the map is small and the total ammount of Generals may be about 20 in total, so you can snowball pretty hard, at the same time if one of your generals loses a battle they will be captured, and if they happen to be a girl they will start to get harrased, until they get raped, when a girl of the cast gets raped it's over, you simply can't follow her path anymore, in some circumstances she may even become an enemy, and all of this sounds amazing for a game perspective, but the balancing of this game is trash.

    First of all, to get strong you must win battles with that general, at the same time if a general doesn't fight in a while he will start to lose trust in you, so the game encourages you to fight with every unit, if you play well and strategize you will probably beat the whole map without getting a single of the girls lost, but this comes with a problem, the more you win the less enemies are avaliable, and the less fights are avaliable, so your units will be losing trust and the girls will abandon you if you take too long, and now comes the horrible part.
    Some generals, when you recruit them WILL rape specific girls, without warning or indication, they simply do, no molesting, no advice, nothing, simple a rape scene and congrats, the girl is now lost, LUCKYLY for me, in my playtrough my favorite girl didn't suffer this fate, but i can see it being extremely frustrating
    And now that i finished the horrible part let me tell you the horrendous part, the moment you reach the end pint, when there is only 2 more places to win the game the game will start spawning ''orc mages'' in hordes, in my game they spawned 4 immediatly, and simply settled in the second to last settlement deffending, this would be just a little problematic, if it werent for the fact that they spawn with 10 thousand strenght, in this game when a unit levels up it will gain between 100 to 200 strenght, so if you just focus on 5 units this would be balanced, the issue is, if you played perfectly as the game tells you all your units will have an average of 5000 strenght, and this ''Orc mages'' attack first, 2 shotting every single unit in your squad, the solution would be to simply stop and wait for THEM to attack me, and fight them 5 to 1, to barely win against one of them, but this doesn't win anything, since 'this enemies can't be recruited, they just die to (and the game will say it like this) REVIVE in about 2 months of in game time, and remember, the more time passes the lower your generals affection and trust goes, and if it reaches 0 they will leave.

    Let's do a TL:DR; you can't fight those enemies since they WILL beat every single unit in your squad, they are the only enemies avaliable, if you don't fight your units will exponentialy lose trust and affection and leave your army, and those enemies don't spawn until you reach this point in the game, so WHAT IS THE SOLUTION you may ask.


    And that's about 3 to 4 hours wasted

    That simply sucks, especially considering the gameplay is not even enjoyable, this is the kind of game that would be much better as a simple VN with choices, not a single aspect of the gameplay is optimized and it is frankly way to easy to breeze trough, worse part, the ending sucks, and also, the erotic content is quite bad too, because remember, this is a porn game, the only decently made scenes are the NTR scenes, and even those get old after the 7th time in a row the scenes goes to great lenght to describe the shape of your rival's dick, all the vanilla and ''canon'' scenes are about how small the MC dick is, and how the MC is an actual autist that doesn't know how to make a woman happy but still gets love because he is so smart and kind.

    Yet, with all this flaws i can't give this game a 1/5, because this were clearly mistakes in the development of the game, and they learned from this experienced, and also because this is still a full game, really well polished in all other aspects, for my recommendation, if you want to play this game like me before going to the sequels, play on easiest diff, focus on 5 units and ignore every single other unit, see the scenes in the full CG's (already unlocked in this F95 link, THANK YOU FOR THAT) and move on.

    RATING 2/5 OR A D RANK; Mistakes were made, hopefully the sequel is better
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Played without cheats, prob a mistake. Save yourself some time and just use them, the game is not really hard, just time consuming with its gameplay.

    Gameplay kinda sucks, but seeing as it was the prequel game to Lean2 which I also hated the gameplay, I was expecting as much.

    NTR story wise though its very solid. I went in concerned it would just be NTR on loss, but was very pleasantly surprised when the main villain stole the childhood sweet heart and fiance of the protag.

    I would say this is worth a play with cheats on, but its not as good as Lean2.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    A stripped-down version of Leane 2.

    A lot smaller map, and a lot fewer characters, scenes, and other events than in the sequel. Battles are very simple with barely any skill usage. The story is so-so and I felt there were barely any events. It was still a fun game for me to play. I played on Black difficulty and smashed through the game in a few hours.

    I give it a solid 3.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been waiting so long for this! And let me just say that the translation is really a labor of love. It's excellent, detailed and actually conveys the emotions really well. A huge plus in a game like this.

    The game is the prequel to a classic. It is less refined but similar, smaller too, but at the same time it manages to create the same spirit. If you liked Leane 2, you'll play this anyway and if you didn't, play both. The order doesn't matter.

    To our dear translator: Your countless hours are appreciated by this one person at the very least. You made my day.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A game that really highlights NTR's (well, specifically netorare's) inability to make truly compelling long-form games. Overall, I'd probably rate this 2.5 stars despite just about everything about it being pretty solid.

    The story is as good as you can hope for in an H-game, perhaps you might even consider it genuinely good writing even ignoring the H-aspects. 5/5 there.

    The art is all quite solid, especially when you consider this came out in 2012. It's held up pretty well. We'll give it 5/5 in consideration of it's publishing date.

    The mechanics are...a bit unwieldy to be honest. It's a strategy. A lot of point and click and some menu navigation. It takes a bit to get used to. And it largely just leaves the gist of how to play the game as an infodump at the the start. There is additional info in the menu for this. but it's all untranslated. Combine all this with some good ol' RNG fun and grinding and well, it's pretty mediocre mechanically overall. Ignoring the untranslated issue, I'd probably give it 3.5 stars here. However, this game is a strategy game and not being able to really reference game details without a screen-translator or sourcing a TL'd manual elsewhere is very sub-optimal. So 2.5/5 total here.

    So were at an average of about 4 stars so far. So what gives? Well, this is an H-game, that's what. The story and mechanics are ultimately secondary when there's very minimal reward for "succeeding". This is a chronic issue in netorare games as the male leads PoV is that of the unknowingly cucked. So if you're playing their PoV, then by design the game either has to railroad the NTR to happen no matter what you do (player loses agency) or have the NTR predicated on you failing in-game objectives (player is incentivized to lose). Very few care at all to reward you with any CGs for succeeding in-game objectives and protecting your love-interest. Which in longer games means spending a lot of time playing an okay game or intentionally letting the male lead fail so you can see the scenes. Undoubtedly, this appeals to some given the existance of such games, but I'd by and large deem them as "unfun" and "grindy".

    To it's credit, the Leane games do better than most longer netorare games in this aspect in that:
    • It isn't designed around you being able to reach a happy ending with every girl at once. You pick a girl and the rest you are largely expected to leave to whatever fate awaits them. In doing this, you still likely get scenes of the other girls being captured and corrupted.
    • There is a variety of difficulty levels, so you can make it genuinely challenging to not see any CG other than the scant few of MC with the love interest of choice.
    However, at the end of the day, this ultimately turns an otherwise solid H-game, into a game that is either "mediocre strategy game that penalizes you with R-18 content for losing" or "an H-game where you really just want to lose." Ultimately, this is a game where the gameplay feels like it punishes you for trying to play the game well, which is stifling and gets boring fast.

    If you're not a die-hard netorare fan, this game is probably closer to a 2/5 stars game and really only worth the gallery (unlocked from the start). The gameplay will grow stale long before you approach clearing the game. If you really love netorare, I could maybe see this game hitting 4 stars, but I still think you'll probably grow bored of the repetitive game play well before you reach the ending.

    Overall rating: 3/5 stars. Art and Story are good, game mechanics are mediocre, and overall gameplay is anywhere from rather grindy and repetitive to completely unrewarding depending on how much you enjoy netorare.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't remember the last time I gave anything a complete 5/5, but this one deserves it. You will understand once you finished prologue. you will know exactly which part am I talking about. to keep the spoilers to a minimum, it's when you try taking Rohani city a 2nd time.

    In a way it was MC's fault for not listening to her pleas. God I hate myself for saying that. But it is what it is.
    Likes: death
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This dev's first forray into an SLG style H game development, previously only doing typical AVG, and boy what a time it was when this first came out. People couldn't stop praising this game, and for good reason.

    Harem based NTR with capture and corruption mechanics. The fetishes are wholely centered on NTR type B, though there is a happy ending. The ability to voyuer into the waifu's capture status as she's slowly corrupting and eventually succumbs to their dick is well detailed with a decent chunk of HCG for each girl. Eventually the waifu will join the enemy force, they can also get pregnant after awhile though it's just a standing picture change. The main drawback from this H game is the lack of HCG, despite having over 40+ images they have to split it harem style, meaning if you're a picky eater you might not be able to fully enjoy what this title can offer. Otherwise, this is an easy title to pick up and play, after you beat the prologue anyway.

    I recommend you play the sequel to this H game afterwards. It's better in every regard with double the content, a true five star title.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    For anyone who skipped to reading the reviews, the game is predominantly netorare and really meant for ntr fans. You can play the game avoiding getting cucked (as a good chunk of the ntr comes from not saving your captured allies in time), however because not only the fact that the majority of the sex comes from the girls becoming the village bicycle, even romancing other characters is almost discourages you from getting pussy by making you only focus on 1 character at a time as appose to multitasking like a good hentai protagonist.

    That being said, I don't like the game because of.... well.... the game. the gameplay itself just feels unwieldy and the supposed gameplay you have for this game is so pointless it honestly would have been better if it was a visual novel (because much of the game is blatant busy work and a coin toss to whether you win or lose.