VN - Ren'Py - Completed - City of Broken Dreamers [v1.15.0 Ch. 15] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best v0.1 I've ever played. The renders and animations look stunning. Some of the renders in the beginning are a bit grainy, but as you further progress, you can see Philly's getting really comfortable with Octane. Now the animations. Although still needs a bit more improvement, they were fantastic. What I'm looking forward to is more character development in the next chapter. There wasn't a lot in this one, it's more of just a quick introduction on what each characters job is, and the relation with Mc. One suggestion I have is, the glossary in game needs to be change as more content will be added. It will be hard to read if it gets too crowded. The last thing is the sound. I usually don't really use sound. But for this game I wanted to. It has one of the best soundtracks. I like how at one point in the game you get closer to this place and the music gets louder, but when you're outside, it's not as loud. I though that was a pretty cool detail. Futa scene 10/10.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The adult elements are here to serve the story rather the inverse and those who have tried a few adult games will know this is the exception rather than the rule. Obviously, at the early stage there's bound to be more exposition and setting things up, but pacing shouldn't be an issue judging from Depraved Awakenings.
    The focus on the story and character elements should be commended, in a way, it's a respect for the audience that they want to invest in the narrative itself and not just the fap material.
    The character models and renders are on the high end of the spectrum with regard to patreon projects. The creator's track record suggests that those who choose to and have the means to kick in a few dollars will get a worthwhile return.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    If you don't chew big red like City of Broken Dreamers, fuck you.

    I have never been this excited/blown away by an adult game. The story is captivating, the renders are breath-taking, the lighting is jaw-dropping. The music is carefully chosen to fit the scenes really well. The atmosphere, pacing, everything about this game is plain and simply perfect. You feel immersed, the first person POV is done extremely well.

    This is peak performance right here. My brain is so scrambled after finishing it that I can barely put words together to form a sentence. Some more thoughts...

    - Shit was fire yo
    - Dat game is lit
    - This is it, chief
    - I've found you, miss new boooty
    - It's that docking kind of love, like penis in foreskin kind of love
    - This game is here to chew bubble gum and fuck ass, and it's all out of ass.
    - Sam did 9:11

    My only complaint is that I didn't get to unleash my gentlemen's relish. The game was so good I forgot to punch the clown. Rather than choking the chicken I kept clicking that mouse button trying to see the rest of the story. I should have been firing off some knuckle children but instead I was saying to myself "just one more page" metaphorically.

    I should have been releasing some womb glaze, that wang tang, male tears. I want to burp the worm not yearn to learn.

    So if you think you're here to play some splash bandicoot, think again. You may just end up too caught up in the story and forget to release the moose syrup.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Based of v0.1 (will try to keep updating it)

    I had high expectations for this game, based from Philly's previous work Depraved Awakenings. I consider DA easily one of the Best games on the site, based from it's excellent story, characters, suspense and Love interests (Oh... Carli my love) Cough... anyway you get it i like Philly's style a lot but enough about DA, let's review:

    City Of Broken Dreamers

    -I had an immediate love of the atmosphere of 2042 Los Angeles. The whole Cyberpunk element was great but most importantly for me was my personal favorite... The Neon lighting which was shown beautifully and i hope to see more renders like that.
    -The story had a great start in showing the main characters, the world and the protagonist. As of now we have only snippets of the whole picture of what is going on but enough to give us suspense for the future (i liked the idea of the log, so we have some back-story).
    -In the Renders department, well... they are amazing they are easily one of the best of site already. This time around we have the gift of beautiful animations too for the sex scenes but also for character showcases.
    -Our love interests firstly all look beautiful and as of our first impression they seem all different in terms of their characters and their personality. Sadly this also my problem with the game as of now as it has introduced the majority of it's cast, the cast has an unequal amount of time, thus unequal amount character development. Hopefully with each release we will get to know each character better.
    -The sex scenes in the game are great, they have enough variation of position and sex acts for them not to be short and for us to enjoy however we want them to.

    As i stated above my only problem is the unequal amount of character interaction/development as a first release. I completely understand this most likely a decision of Philly and the Burt for the sake of suspense but as of now Gloria, Dr. Kate and Sonja have no clear character and place in the plot beside as Plot Device, the Doctor and the ex-wife. But i believe my opinion will change very soon.

    P.s If you made it this far... do me a favor and go play DA if you haven't and lastly CARLI BEST WAIFU.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I want to start by saying that PhillyGames does not depart from his style and builds a noir, cold and cruel world that does not forgive mistakes.
    Renders as always on top. Philly knows his stuff well.
    The characters are very pleased, and it is felt that each of them has a secret.
    Music, she is good! Very positive effect on the atmosphere of mystery.
    And yes, the atmosphere here is very well conveyed, the neon lights of cold buildings and the background music do their job.
    The plot is promising, I already look forward to a lot of plot twists, betrayals and revelations.
    I want to finish the review with an excellent quote that fits perfectly into the world of this game...

    Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire tread on burst stomach. This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters, and the gutters are full of blood, and when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!" and I'll whisper "No."
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    -Really impressive for 0.1
    -Render extremely good
    -Nice theme
    -Story is well written

    *not really any build up or introduction to character
    *glossary need to shortened like the explanation just show when the word is click (because in the future probably alot new word will be added and thats gonna make a lot of text )

    I also relief that victoria is not a futa XD
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best, the scenes are amazing, story is intressting . Only limited content / scenes but its deffinetly worth trying. Seems to have no bugs / issues . Althought there are many characters and not enough build up on them overall it's very promising. Cant wait for more.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay gonna keep this short and sweet. The renders are excellent as well as the sorry and atmosphere. Around 4 h-scenes in this first release. You cant have them all in one play-through so there is good replay value. I like the some scenes are set up. If you forgo the instant gratification and can be patient story wise things might shape up as better. So, just do yourselves a favor and play this. This is an work of Art.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Eerie Entity

    That was a very impressive beginning to a game/story that no doubt will only get even better from here (if that's even possible, it really was such an impressive introduction), knowing how bloody brilliant Philly's "Depraved Awakening" was, it's clear that noir stories are Philly's forte, and we don't have anywhere near enough stories of that genre here.
    The art and animations are beautiful.
    The atmosphere and the music highlighting the given scenes are spot on!
    This indeed is yet another amazing noir story in the making, can't wait to play the next update!
    If you have played Depraved Awakening and loved it, you won't be disappointed by this one either, this one stepped it up a notch or two.
    And if you haven't played DA yet, I suggest you do just that, and then play this! Do it! You don't want to miss out! :)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely beautiful. From the characters to the environments to the ambiance, sound, and atmosphere, nothing was put in without heavy attention to detail and a whole lot of blood sweat and tears.

    I'm not overly fond of animations, but this game has drawn me in with them. They are quick, purposeful, and impossibly attractive. At no point during my play through (multiple) did I ever want to breeze through the story or the dialogue. The story is just beginning, go figure, and I can't wait to see what more is in store. There are many personalities on the table and everyone is unique, no cookie cutter characters for you to pull into a harem. Each of the characters we have been introduced to are intriguing, interesting, and creative characters.

    This is not going to be your typical VN. Sex isn't being used to tell a story like many do, story is being used to tell an Adult game. This is by no stretch a bad thing and in no way means there are limited adult themes. Each character is going to evolve and develop, and interaction with them will make sense from a story perspective, not just be thrown into your lap.

    The story itself very much has noir elements. Taking on the role of a "Ghost" you're dragged back into a world you had secluded yourself from to some degree.

    Ultimately, I love this game. I don't have a single complaint. I can't wait to see even more.

    Norms are being challenged with this game. This really isn't something that has been seen before. At the end of it all is going to be an amazing story I think, so hop in and enjoy the ride.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Game Rating: 6/10

    - Limited erotically stimulating content (subjective) -4 points for limited fapworthy content
    - There's too many characters introduced and not enough build up. There's no sexual tension or seduction process for the player

    - Character models are flawless
    - Renders: 10/10 best renders on the market right now
    - Story is intriguing, but more of a teaser right now. I trust this dev's storytelling skills
    - Great ui and effects
    - Love the Blade Runner esque ambient soundtrack
    - Futa

    As an occasional-nudity-but-not-porn game this gets 11/10, but does not qualify yet as a fap game, imho.

    Definitely in the top 3 games on this site to follow though.