RPGM How do i start translating rpgmaker games?


Jun 1, 2017
Hello everyone,
first of all kinda new here so my apologies if i posted in the wrong section.

anyway,i'm in a situation where i have a lot of time on my hands,so i thought about translating some japanese rpgmaker games.

i know my way around japanese and english,but i don't know how to edit rpgmaker games to change the language used.

so basically,is there an editor i use to open the game/scripts so i can modify things like inventory names,menu's,events...

Thanks for any help i get!
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Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Hello everyone,
first of all kinda new here so my apologies if i posted in the wrong section.

anyway,i'm in a situation where i have a lot of time on my hands,so i thought about translating some japanese rpgmaker games.

i know my way around japanese and english,but i don't know how to edit rpgmaker games to change the language used.

so basically,is there an editor i use to open the game/scripts so i can modify things like inventory names,menu's,events...

Thanks for any help i get!
Searching around, here on F95 there's this thread (read the whole thread, don't stop at the OP)

Otherwise, other options would be: download a cracked version of RPGMaker MV, VX, VX Ace or the game you want to edit (or even the free one, if that lets you do something) and modify the whole database from there; this one here - though I tried to understand something but without success, mostly because once translated the text, even after following the whole steps gave me always some kind of error and then I kinda gave up.

Other methods sadly, I don't know it at all.


Jun 1, 2017
Well, i'll try through the rpgmaker engine itself,looks to be the most thorough way of editing. Will post some pictures if i've completed something ^^
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Jun 1, 2017
Ok,so good news and bad news.
Good news: i've managed to (partially) translate an RPGmaker game successfully,
bad news is that i've bitten off a bit more than i can chew with my current game,
because there's like over 20000 lines of dialogue.
Anyway, now that i know how to do it,i'd be happy to spend some free time translating some RPGmaker games.
Is there like a seperate thread/forum where people ask for translations?
(Sorry if there's an obvious place for this,kinda new)


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Ok,so good news and bad news.
Good news: i've managed to (partially) translate an RPGmaker game successfully,
bad news is that i've bitten off a bit more than i can chew with my current game,
because there's like over 20000 lines of dialogue.
Anyway, now that i know how to do it,i'd be happy to spend some free time translating some RPGmaker games.
Is there like a seperate thread/forum where people ask for translations?
(Sorry if there's an obvious place for this,kinda new)
Technically speaking, this should be the main thread where people asks for game to be translated

However, as of now, people are starting to ask even in this section so.. go and check out for the various request! Because if I may give you an advice, probably you should start from games that are... say... 2 hours long at the most, or games that can be completed in one day or in a couple of hours because go and "diving deep down" almost immediately without the required patience and knowledge, trust me, it's a little hard xD

So check if some of the requests here in this section suits your taste! Or if you need help I can try and search for games that "apparently" are short! c:
But, most of all.. do you want to make partial only or full translation?


Jun 1, 2017
Hey,thanks for the reply!
Yeah, i'll go and look for some shorter games first to translate. If you have some recommendations/preferences,feel free to link them!
I want to translate fully or as much as I can anyway :p
I'm starting an education about game development in a couple of months,and RPG maker is one of the courses,so I wanted to get some practice in already,and keep myself busy.
And help people to "perform research" in their own language :p
Ps:feel free to link me some threads where I could be of assistance!


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Hey,thanks for the reply!
Yeah, i'll go and look for some shorter games first to translate. If you have some recommendations/preferences,feel free to link them!
I want to translate fully or as much as I can anyway :p
I'm starting an education about game development in a couple of months,and RPG maker is one of the courses,so I wanted to get some practice in already,and keep myself busy.
And help people to "perform research" in their own language :p
Ps:feel free to link me some threads where I could be of assistance!
First of all, do you've any preference? Fetish, I mean? Rape or not, futa or not, pregnancy or not, etc..


Jun 1, 2017
First of all, do you've any preference? Fetish, I mean? Rape or not, futa or not, pregnancy or not, etc..
Well, my own preferences go out to harem/impregnation or tentacle games.
I'm currently trying to translate the game Harem Fantasy,but it seems like a (very) long one so :p
Managed to translate armor,weapons,enemies,skills and states so far
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Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Well, my own preferences go out to harem/impregnation or tentacle games.
I'm currently trying to translate the game Harem Fantasy,but it seems like a (very) long one so :p
Managed to translate armor,weapons,enemies,skills and states so far

But anyway, I'll try and see for some games with that! And of course w/o tentacles c:

EDIT: unfortunately, none of the titles on DLSite in their description, says something about the lenght of the game itself :FeelsBadMan:
So I'll just leave here the links of those, and if you need the torrent of them (because direct links are hard to find and the only place is Anime-Sharing, but those are some quality shitty host..) just let me know!

Just some of them. Tentacles.. I've found only some CG's (games of course, but for now only within big one's, like Dieselmine and others - and even others, but those were mostly VN's not RPG), maybe someone else can help us.


Jun 1, 2017
Well,i've found a game in another thread,will try that one.
Fyi it's this one

Not sure if it's RPGmaker tho,if it isn't im willing to start something from Dieselmine,they're the ones with a lot of orc impregs right? :p


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Well,i've found a game in another thread,will try that one.
Fyi it's this one

Not sure if it's RPGmaker tho,if it isn't im willing to start something from Dieselmine,they're the ones with a lot of orc impregs right? :p
This is the DLSite page

Good luck xD


Jun 1, 2017
This is the DLSite page

Good luck XD
Well,those seem a bit complicated :p nice titles though! :p
Anyway i've decided to start with Harem Fantasy, It's a long one but i'm making good progress.
Should i upload it when it's fully translated or whenever i've translated like a good amount of content?
Already translated all Characters,states,skills,items,weapons,armor and enemies.
Took me a long time :p


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Well,those seem a bit complicated :p nice titles though! :p
Anyway i've decided to start with Harem Fantasy, It's a long one but i'm making good progress.
Should i upload it when it's fully translated or whenever i've translated like a good amount of content?
Already translated all Characters,states,skills,items,weapons,armor and enemies.
Took me a long time :p
Your choice! If you want you can create another thread just for your translation or replying in the one already created (if the thread has been created for the game of course) with the progress of your translation! And always your choice: you can share for now the partial and then in the future the completed or just wait and post the full patch all-in-one c:
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May 12, 2017
Hey @desperado505 ,
I want to try to translate some interesting looking games too.
So, how exactly are you doing it? You´re using rpgmaker to edit? How do you extract the files to edit it?
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